Skin Tag & Lesion Removal

At LUXE we use a non-invasive treatment the removal of skin tags.

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Skin Tag & Lesion Removal

What do Skin Tags and Lesions look like?

Skin tags and lesions can look like any type of small growth on the surface of your skin. These can include:

  • Skin tags – small growth on skins that look similar to wart. Usually harmless and painless
  • Stubborn milia – small white benign bumps just under the surface of the skin
  • Benign skin lesions – e.g. warts

How can we treat it at LUXE?

We use a non-invasive treatment called Diatherapy for the removal of skin tags, stubborn milia and other benign skin lesions on all areas of your body.

This device uses high frequency (HF) to attract fluid in the lesion and dries them out resulting in the removal of harmless non-malignant imperfections. Heat is delivered through an extremely fine filament (needle) directly